Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Well lookie there!!!
First half
Second half
Monday, December 14, 2009
Grunting and nut scratching found here!
View from the hallway facing in towards the mini fridge & the one window.

Right side of room with the door closed, my shotgun in it's case on the floor

Upper right side, with my 91/30 and my Winchester model 67

A closer look at whats on top of the fridge, A cleaning kit and some spent brass along with my desk lamp that I haven't found a better place for yet!

A small collection of spent casings temporarily on my window until I build some shelves in the corner to fit them and more in the future..

Directly under the window is a chest that my great grandfather made, on top are a few of my knives that will be stored elsewhere soon.

The left wall where my PC is positioned along with my sword in the corner and my carry piece on the desk. Eventually I plan on having a corner desk to give myself a little more space than what this one provides...

A full view of the left wall with my pheasants and yellow perch, Also the tiny door which leads to a roughly 3'X3' closet.

More of the left wall and part of the rear wall with one of my prints hung, It looks lonely huh? I have one more print I personally own, Andi gave me another one to go with them and said she may contribute another one yet!

The rest of the rear wall with my ammo cans, gas mask, flask, bipod, used targets, shotgun forend and two more rifles.

I'll have better photos after I've got baseboards and the rest of the molding up!
Monday, December 7, 2009
A new tax?
If you'll excuse me now, I'll be over here breathing my free American air while it lasts.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
You can see how she is more worried about keeping those laws in place, and expanding them nationwide, perhaps globally?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
What in the world?
See word is from many people that the old owner had two or three huge dogs, great danes and possibly a rottweiler. Mind you we have a decent sized yard, but three big dogs will tear it up in no time. So they put down cheap gravel and also had nice decorative rocks. So anyways I'm getting rocks out and in this tiny patch of land I get at least a five gallon bucket worth, And there is still some smaller stuff I didn't get. Also I went ahead and took off the top 3-4 inches because of the extreme difference in height from the sidewalk to the level of the dirt, Too many times my mower blade had got caught on either rocks or the dirt because of this.
Oh and now the mind boggling question of the day... Who in the hell buries 2 jars of food under a foot of dirt? I decided to poke around one last time for more rocks and hit a jar, luckily it didn't break from my shovel striking it. The second jar was just a few inches apart.
Of course I got photos, and even some of the contents, or goo if you will...

the lid one this one says pickles.. but it smells like apple cider and actually doesn't stink.

I can't read anything on this one as far as what it once was... But wow it stunk! the lid has the expiration date of 2006

Now, Who's hungry?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I'll be quite busy over the next four days with family gatherings, a range date, a party I'm hosting, my mother has plans for us to join them for either a movie or off to the local country bar. And finally back to work Saturday night. Plus somewhere in there my woman expects me to do more work on our home. HA!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
New toy
Friday, November 20, 2009
Dirty rotten cocksuckers.
Nicely of course, Unlike my little fit of rage here.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thank you.
Wherever you've served, and even if you've never been shipped over seas, Your dedication and the fact that you signed up is one of the greatest acts of patriotism you can do.
About time...
In other news, Last night I started to feel ill, Today I'm full on sick. Sore throat, whole body aches, chills, sinus headache. Ugh. Hopefully I can manage to get through work the next few days while I get better.
Pro tip- Room mates suck! This chick needs to learn to clean and get off her ass during the day. How can anyone possibly sit on their ass everyday, after work or as soon as she gets up And watch movies all day long, play on the internet at the same time and not clean her disaster of a room.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
So much to cover.
Then there was the shooting in Florida by a disgruntled ex employee who was fired in 2007 and waited till now to act. Sadly I didn't hardly see anyone mention this story because, Well Fort Hood is way more important in the eyes of the MSM.
Oh and then there was last night, Pelosi pulled a quick one on America and called for a midnight vote on Obamas health care reform. It passed the house 220-215 with one Republican vote from U.S. Rep. Anh "Joseph'' Cao, R-New Orleans. And of course because of his vote they call it bi-partisan...
Oh and let it be known he didn't vote at all till enough votes to pass it had already been cast. But least he showed where he truly stands!
Call your congress critters first chance you get tomorrow and let them know exactly how you feel.
And here's a little something for your viewing pleasure, Summer of 08' in my newly purchased home.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Why stop now?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Obama's health care scam, Take #138
I'm still worried it'll pass, And I almost have high hopes that Obama would veto it based on being too high over his $900B goal. If it does go down that way, I'll be way more than shocked.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
- The firearm is unloaded and carried in a closed package, box, or case or ..
- The firearm is in plain sight with the action open or the weapon stripped.
Plus who wants to keep their firearm out in the open when you're surrounded by water! One big wave hitting just right and the thing could get soaked or worse yet knocked off the boat. Maybe I'll look into getting this law changed...
Where to start?
First off "Pre-approved visitors whose names appeared on lists" So you're saying only people who are staunch supporters in the first place?
Secondly, "costing less than $900 billion over 10 years." You might as well have an infomercial announcer saying "This can be all yours for the low low price of $90 Billion a year" What happens after 10 years? It costs nothing? Also keep in mind that this monetary figure of $900 billion is only a guesstimate.
Thirdly "A video posted on YouTube by Minority Whip Eric Cantor's office depicted a Republican staffer attempting to attend the press conference and being turned away by a police officer" I suppose this is further proof of their bias...
Oh BTW! Seen as a fark headline today,
"Well the numbers are in and "Cash for Clunkers" ended costing about $24,000 per vehicle, next up - Healthcare"
And yet another one...
The health care public option will give private insurers competition, which is a good thing, right? "The typical state has 27 companies competing in the small-group health insurance market"
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Are you fucking insane?
Sunday, October 25, 2009
So is it really an epidemic?
President Obama's school age daughters have not been vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says the vaccine is not available to them based on their risk.
The Centers for Disease Control recommend that children ages 6 months through 18 years of age receive a vaccination against the H1N1 flu virus. At this time only children with chronic medical conditions are receiving the vaccination because their immune system is not strong enough to fight off the strain. The CDC also says a regular seasonal flu shot does not protect against the virus.
Story from Fox news.Saturday, October 24, 2009
I call shenanigans...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
No frackin way!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
And the sheeple will obey
Damn right you should be, However I rarely if ever watch TV so I wouldn't of even known about this if it wasn't for wonderful bloggers.
Bloggers are who many of us rely on for the news anymore, Like me you probably simply don't trust most of the media. This also applies to the movie (and those who write prime time shows) industry for myself. I started to wonder to myself a couple weeks ago why all of a sudden in the past five years or more there has been a huge surge in medical shows. Every fucking network has a medical show.
And now we have an "urgent" health care issue at hand...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
So what?
Imagine that!
But what it all comes down to is his ideals, his blatant lying, and the Democratic party cronies (being pushed by him and his cabinet) rallying to pass so many laws that are filled with more taxes and take away our rights.
The economy is so terrible across this country that people have nowhere to turn and simply can't count on the government to help! Although there are plenty of people living off them quite well. People who have ran out of unemployment benefits have simply given up even looking for jobs because of how bad things are.
I believe that we are on the edge of a new revolution, I'd discuss my theory on how that might play out... but ideas are a dime a dozen and I won't claim to be an expert on the matter. Personally I think that with how things have been building for the last few years and the laws passed and abandoned since then and the continuing of that process with our current representatives, Revolution is welcomed.
Monday, October 19, 2009
I call bullshit on either a laser or a flashlight blinding someone from a few seconds of it being in their eyes. And I certainly don't think that the pilot would all of a sudden lose control and crash because he has to blink, or at worse jerk his head to the side. But certainly in this case the home owner deserves an apology, not jail time!
Then again it is the UK...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I can't help but really like most of what Joe does!
SURPRISE, Ariz. — An Arizona sheriff known for cracking down on people who are in the country illegally launched a crime and immigration sweep in northwestern metro Phoenix on Friday, a half day after officials in Washington limited his powers to make federal immigration arrests.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, whose sweeps have led to allegations of racial profiling, said the rebuff from Washington won't stop him. He said he can still arrest immigrants under a state smuggling law and a federal law that gives all local police agencies more limited power to detain suspected illegal immigrants.
"It doesn't bother me, because we are going to do the same thing," said Arpaio, whose deputies had arrested 16 people by Friday evening on unspecified charges. "I am the elected sheriff. I don't take orders from the federal government."
Whats your thoughts?
Friday, October 16, 2009
Nobel Idea...
Story here (pops)
Prepare for way higher taxes, fines and "hidden costs" with this very possible health care bill they want to shove down our throats.
Feel good story
Thursday, October 15, 2009
This certainly can't be good...
Who will be the next appointed as a Justice? Will they be better on gun rights? Or worse...
I'm guessing the latter.